South Africa

In September of 2010 a team from the nonprofit organization Vox United ( located in Holland,Michigan had the opportunity to visit the Little Artists School where students passionately pursue art. Below you will find several of the students pictured with their artwork.

Bongani Singcu
This artist started painting this year. When asked about painting he said, “ I just fell in love with it.” He also enjoys 3-d artwork including mosaics.

Nxumalo Oliver
This artists' favorite mediums include painting and watercolor. He started the art school this year. The subjects he likes to portray include people and animals.

Joseph Mokgotho
This artists' favorite medium is a pen. He enjoys creating abstract work from his imagination. He started creating art when he was a little boy in preschool. His brother was his inspiration and he enjoys art as well. Joseph stated his brother felt like a father figure to him. When asked about his art Joseph said, “ Sometimes I just put the pen to the paper and I don't think about what I want to draw I just do it.”

Ndivhuo Tracey mununguthala
This artists' current favorite medium is the pen. “Painting is new to me,” she states. Her favorite subject matter consists of landscapes “because it's natural and interesting.” She likes capturing the atmosphere and putting it onto paper. She has been pursuing art since primary school but just joined the art school this year.

Lugia Ilunga
This artist enjoys using acrylic paint. The subject matter he finds interesting are elephants because of the lines and shadows on them. He started drawing at 10 years old and is now 15 years old. He has been at the art school since 2007. He also likes to create his own cartoons.
Torrence Muchenja

This artists enjoys creating collages out of magazines and newspaper clippings. He enjoys using people in his work. He joined the art school in 2008 and is currently 13 years old. To practice, he draws animals.

Mbuso Mthalaoe
This artist likes to use acrylics and watercolors. He enjoys portraying a mixed variety of subjects in his work. He started when he was younger in primary school and is now 22 years old. He started attending the art school in 2010. He loves all kinds of art.

Yonela Mpumela

This artist started the art school in April. Collages are one of her favorite types of art though she enjoys all types. She likes children and because of this they are often portrayed in her work. Her most recent piece of artwork is a large cartoon that is intended to “make children laugh.” (See Photograph). This artist says with a hopeful smile, “ Even if I am a successful artist...I will have to still keep planting it into the young minds.”

Tshepo Selemalsela

This artist likes to use watercolor and acrylics. He focused on watercolor and then painting. He likes to portray people in his work. He began attending the little artists school in 2009 when he came to the province. He is 19 years old. His dream is to become an animator one day because he loves films.

The art work shown in the photograph of this artist is of an individual playing cricket which happens to be his favorite sport. His favorite medium is the pencil. He enjoys drawing hands. In 2007 he started coming to the art school. His mother encouraged him to try art.

Mahlatse Motedi
This artist enjoys using acrylic paint. Elephants are his favorite subjects. In 2004 he joined the little artists school. One day he would like to have his own business with his own work.
Lucus Khumbu
This artists likes to use watercolor and acrylic paint and likes to portray faces in his work. In 2007 he joined the school. One day he would like to pass his art onto others.
This artist likes to create 2-d collages. He enjoys using animals in his work such as cows, and pigs because they are easier to draw and understand. He joined the artists school in 2009. One day he would like to teach art to other children.
Collages that are 3-d are a favorite for this artist. He likes using people, soccer stars in particular, in his work. He came to the school in 2009 and would one day like to teach art.

This artist likes to use acrylic paint. His favorite subject matter consists of flowers, trees, and other things found in nature. He joined the art school this year and one day would like to teach art.
Tshepo M
This artist enjoys using watercolors. He likes to portray nature and animals in his work (dolphins in particular). He joined the art school in 2010. One day he would like to teach art to others.

This artists likes to use charcoal and acrylics. He likes to portray children in his work. He joined the art school last year. When asked what he wanted others to know about him as an artist he said, “feel free and enjoy it...if you don't, no one will like it.”

Mr. Godknows

Nditskeni Managa
This artist likes to use watercolors and acrylics and enjoys painting butterflys, fish, and people


If you notice, the last image also pictures the school's art teacher Edward.  As you can tell, Edward does a great job of teaching as well as adding a sense of humor to the classroom.